"The Secrets of Pugilistic Combat of Shaolin Monastery" contain records which say that sinc
ancient times late in the night, when it was quiet like in a primeval forest and slumber reined around, fighting monks,
full of combat spirit, went to the Room Fatang of the Hall of Thousand Buddhas to do fighting exercises. In the Palace of
Thousand Buddhas on the Ming Column were hung up sand-bags and along the northern wall stood vessels full of corn, sand and
iron filings. Some fighting monks guided by a monk-tutor trained their fingers, for this purpose they poked them into corn,
sand and iron filings. The others stroke at the men of woods with naked hands. Besides, four groups of young monks sat in a
posture of the tiger and trained "Sin I Ba" (mastering the Heart and the Mind). At that time the happenings in the Fatang Room
could agitate and frighten the brave man of courage.